Equipo Directivo

Todos los miembros del Equipo Directivo
A GFT flag waving in the bright sunlight, symbolising the company's presence and commitment to excellence.
The GFT flag proudly waves in the sunlight, representing the company's strong presence and dedication to innovation and excellence in the technology sector. This image captures the essence of GFT's corporate identity and its commitment to leading the industry with cutting-edge solutions and a forward-thinking approach.
Managing Director

Marco Santos

Global Chief Executive Officer (Global CEO)
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Managing Director

Dr Jochen Ruetz

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) & deputy CEO
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Equipo directivo

Joan-Carles Fonoll

Group Chief Executive
Chief Operating Officer
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Equipo directivo

Christopher Ortiz

Group Chief Executive
Region Manager North America, APAC & UK
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Equipo directivo

Manuel Lavín

Conoce a Manuel Lavín - CEO Regional Europa Central y Oeste de Grupo GFT
CEO de GFT España
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Creamos valor de negocio

Acerca de GFT

Comunicado de prensa

Comunicados de prensa de GFT

make your mark

Construye tu futuro con nosotros

Creamos valor de negocio

Casos de éxito

We care
