Construye tu fábrica inteligente

Accede en tiempo real a la información clave que impulsa tu negocio.
A professional engineer holding a tablet walks through a modern factory with advanced robotic arms working behind glass partitions.
This image captures the innovative environment of a smart factory, showcasing a professional engineer with a tablet walking through a high-tech manufacturing facility. The background features advanced robotic arms operating behind glass partitions, symbolising automation and precision in modern manufacturing processes. The scene highlights the integration of digital technology and automation in the production line, reflecting the advancements in Industry 4.0. The engineer's presence with a tablet emphasises the role of human oversight and the use of digital tools in managing and optimising factory operations.
Fábrica inteligente

Agiliza la toma de decisiones

Controle la eficiencia de los recursos y optimice sus costes

Acelera tu capacidad de innovación y el desarrollo de productos.

Caso de uso | Control de estado en tiempo real

Aumentar la sostenibilidad de la producción

Caso de uso | Inspección visual de la calidad

Aumentar la calidad, reducir el desperdicio y fabricar mejores productos

Nuestras soluciones Smart Factory se basan en SPHINX OPEN

Moderna arquitectura multicapa

Layered architecture of Sphinx Open with a central data model, digital services, data orchestration, and data ingestion, showcasing the integration of shop floor and business process data.
This infographic illustrates the Sphinx Open architecture, highlighting its key components. At the top, a central data model powers the structure, followed by layers dedicated to digital services, data orchestration, and data ingestion. The foundation integrates shop floor data and business process data from various systems such as ERP, PLM, and WMS. The product value stream runs through these layers, symbolizing seamless data flow and connectivity in a connected world. This visual representation emphasizes the comprehensive and interconnected nature of the Sphinx Open platform.

La moderna arquitectura multicapa proporciona plena convergencia IT/OT. Los objetos se gestionan a partir de eventos y permiten un modelo de datos central de las operaciones. Esto se pueden complementar con servicios web personalizados y servicios en la nube estándar.

Más información


La inteligencia artificial en la producción


Laboratorio de innovación de GFT

White paper

Un código que reduce la huella de carbono


Alcance sus objetivos de sostenibilidad

Creamos valor de negocio

Casos de éxito

