Group Executive Board

Get to know all members of the extended Group Executive Board and learn what drives their passion for GFT.
A GFT flag waving in the bright sunlight, symbolising the company's presence and commitment to excellence.
The GFT flag proudly waves in the sunlight, representing the company's strong presence and dedication to innovation and excellence in the technology sector. This image captures the essence of GFT's corporate identity and its commitment to leading the industry with cutting-edge solutions and a forward-thinking approach.
Managing Director

Marika Lulay

Co Chief Executive Officer (Co-CEO)
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Managing Director

Marco Santos

Co Chief Executive Officer (Co-CEO)
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Managing Director

Dr. Jochen Ruetz

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
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Group Executive Board

Joan-Carles Fonoll

Group Chief Executive &
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
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Group Executive Board

Christopher Ortiz

Group Chief Executive
Region Manager North America, APAC & UK
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Managing Director

Jens-Thorsten Rauer

Group Chief Executive &
Region Manager Central and Western Europe
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