How Insurers can use AI to increase profitable growth

As with many industries, Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool to rethink processes, challenge the status quo and transform the entire insurance industry.
July 24, 2024
Silhouette of a woman with digital lights projected on her face, set against a vibrant, futuristic background.
Silhouette of a woman illuminated by digital lights, symbolizing the fusion of human presence with futuristic technology in a digital world.
Portrait of Thomas Cozzolino wearing glasses and a dark suit with a white shirt, facing forward with a neutral expression.
Connect with Thomas Cozzolino at GFT.
Thomas Cozzolino
Chief Strategy Officer
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The 3 levers of profitable growth

1. Creating new products that customers actually want to buy

2. Retaining customers and keeping them satisfied

3. Performing underwriting to remain competitive

3. Performing underwriting to remain competitive

How can Insurers use AI and ML to Improve profitability?

New data-powered insurance products

Hyper-personalized support to drive stickiness

AI: the Underwriter’s new best friend

How to start your AI-powered insurance strategy

Get your data management house in order

How can Insurers use AI and ML to Improve profitability?

New data-powered insurance products

Hyper-personalized support to drive stickiness  

AI: the Underwriter’s new best friend 

How to start your AI-powered insurance strategy

Get your data management house in order

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GFT AI.DA Marketplace

Your fast-track to AI


Digital transformation and insurance expertise


fAIsten your seatbelts: Insights on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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