AI without the hype

Your guide to implementing AI
A silhouetted profile of a person with a digital starry projection on their face and background, symbolising the power and creativity of artificial intelligence.
Explore the limitless possibilities of artificial intelligence with GFT. This captivating image represents the intersection of human creativity and AI-driven technology, showcasing how AI is shaping the future of innovation and digital transformation.
A clear definition

AI in business demystified

For business and industry

Key AI concepts and terms

Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Natural Language Processing

Computer Vision

The current state

AI technology for businesses across industries

Generative AI

Understanding the business case

The difference

Generative AI vs. traditional AI in industry

General Purpose Technology

How Generative AI can impact every aspect of business operations

Streamline business processes with AI automation

AI can automate repetitive tasks, such as data entry, document processing, and customer support, and various tasks from software development life cycle, improving efficiency and reducing errors. By automating these processes, businesses can improve efficiency, reduce errors, and free up employees to focus on higher-value tasks.

Predictive analytics for the industrial sector

Predictive analytics powered by AI crunches historical data to predict future trends, helping businesses make informed decisions about inventory, pricing, and resource allocation. AI also detects patterns and anomalies in large data sets, uncovering insights and potential problems that humans might miss.

Anomaly detection for the industrial sector

AI can quickly spot anomalies and outliers in large data sets, revealing potential issues or opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed. This is particularly valuable in fraud detection, quality control and cybersecurity. By identifying suspicious transactions, product defects or network intrusions in real time, AI helps organisations mitigate risk and maintain a competitive edge.

Personalised marketing with AI: increasing engagement and conversion rates

AI analyses customer data to deliver targeted, personalized marketing messages, increasing engagement, conversion rates and loyalty. AI-powered recommendation engines suggest products based on individual preferences, while dynamic content optimization ensures customers receive the most relevant content.

Intelligent customer support: AI chatbots and virtual assistants

AI chatbots and virtual assistants provide 24/7 support, answering questions, guiding users and processing transactions. They understand natural language, learn from interactions and provide human-like responses, improving satisfaction and reducing costs. For complex issues, AI routes customers to the most appropriate human agent.

Strengthen security and prevent fraud with business-proven AI

AI monitors transactions in real time, identifying suspicious activity and potential fraud to protect businesses and customers. In cybersecurity, AI can analyse network traffic, detect malware and identify potential vulnerabilities, enabling proactive threat mitigation.

Utilising AI technology for object identification and image classification

AI automates visual inspection tasks, such as detecting defects in manufacturing or analyzing medical images, improving accuracy and efficiency. This technology can be applied to quality control, inventory management, remote monitoring, and more, reducing costs and improving outcomes.

Harnessing generative AI for internal research and knowledge sharing

AI-powered tools are transforming the way organizations collect, access and share information internally. These systems quickly analyze vast amounts of unstructured data, extract key insights and make them easily accessible to employees. This saves time, promotes knowledge sharing across departments, and ultimately boosts productivity.
Ignasi Barri Vilardell
Director of digital strategy, Global business development

A practical 4-step approach

Aligning AI with your business objectives

Establishing the necessary AI technology infrastructure and data foundation

Tackling data privacy and security challenges with AI technology

Creating an AI-friendly organizational culture