• Miser sur les crypto-monnaies

Miser sur les crypto-monnaies

Surfer sur la vague de l’incertitude : comment les banques doivent-elles se positionner dans ce nouvel environnement où les crypto-monnaies sont de plus en plus légitimes et quel terrain de jeu choisir ?
A person in a modern city setting, illuminated by vibrant building lights, looking at their smartphone, representing the integration of cryptocurrencies into everyday banking and finance.
Discover the transformative potential of cryptocurrencies in the banking sector. This image captures a person engaged with their smartphone against a backdrop of a modern, illuminated cityscape, symbolising the future of finance. Learn how cryptocurrencies are reshaping banking, offering innovative solutions, and paving the way for a more secure and decentralised financial ecosystem. Explore the benefits and challenges of adopting cryptocurrencies in mainstream banking.
La réponse est dans le dernier rapport en date

Ayez une longueur d’avance

Ayez une longueur d’avance

Banking on cryptocurrencies – Riding the wave of uncertainty

A close-up of a GFT publication titled "Banking on Cryptocurrencies," focusing on the integration and impact of cryptocurrencies within the banking sector.
Explore GFT's publication "Banking on Cryptocurrencies." This thought leadership piece provides insights into the integration of cryptocurrencies in the banking industry, examining the opportunities, challenges, and future trends in this rapidly evolving landscape. Learn how financial institutions can navigate the complexities of cryptocurrency adoption.

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DLT et chaîne de blocs

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