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Maßgeschneiderte Innovationen für Banken, Versicherungen und die Fertigungs- und Automobilindustrie
A woman interacts with a large, illuminated screen at night, set against the backdrop of a cityscape with towering buildings.
This key visual represents an overview of various industries through the imagery of a woman engaging with a large, illuminated digital screen at night. The cityscape in the background, with its towering buildings and illuminated windows, highlights the urban and industrial context. The image encapsulates the intersection of technology and modern industry, emphasizing innovation, connectivity, and the digital transformation across sectors. It serves as a visual metaphor for the broad scope and dynamic nature of various industries in the contemporary digital landscape.

Das Bankwesen muss sich weiterentwickeln

A woman standing against a digital screen at night, using her smartphone. The screen's light reflects on her face and the surrounding area, creating a modern, tech-savvy ambiance.
The image showcases a woman leaning against a digital screen in an urban setting at night. She is engrossed in using her smartphone, symbolizing the integration of technology into everyday banking activities. The digital screen's light reflecting on her face highlights the seamless blend of digital and physical banking experiences. The city lights in the background add to the dynamic and contemporary feel of the image, representing the future of banking where digital convenience meets real-world interactions.
Technologie, Regulierung und Wettbewerb revolutionieren den globalen Bankensektor und definieren neu, was es bedeutet, eine Bank zu sein. Erfahren Sie, wie digitale Transformation, Fintech-Innovationen und die Einhaltung von Vorschriften Ihnen helfen können, in der Zukunft des Bankgeschäfts erfolgreich zu sein.

Fertigung und Automotive

Robotic arms welding a car chassis on an automated production line in a modern factory setting.
This image showcases a high-tech manufacturing environment where robotic arms are welding a car chassis on an automated production line. The factory setting is bright and spacious, with large windows allowing natural light to flood in. The robotic arms, equipped with welding tools, are precisely and efficiently assembling the car body, highlighting the advanced technology and automation in the automotive manufacturing industry. This visual emphasizes the cutting-edge processes and innovation driving the sector.
Erzielen Sie mit den innovativen Lösungen und Dienstleistungen von GFT einen deutlichen Mehrwert. Arbeiten Sie mit uns zusammen, um Ihre Prozesse und Ideen zu integrieren und intelligente Industriekonzepte zum Leben zu erwecken. Entwickeln Sie intelligente Produkte, verbessern Sie die betriebliche Effizienz und liefern Sie kundenorientierte Dienstleistungen, die in der Fertigungs- und Automobilbranche dauerhafte Werte schaffen.


City skyline at dusk with reflections on the water, symbolizing stability and the future of the insurance industry.
The image features a stunning city skyline at dusk, with tall buildings and the iconic CN Tower prominently visible. The serene water in the foreground reflects the vibrant lights of the city, creating a symmetrical and tranquil scene. This visual captures the essence of stability, growth, and the future, making it an ideal representation for the insurance industry. The clear, calm waters and the well-lit cityscape symbolize the industry's promise of security, protection, and forward-thinking solutions.
Von der Strategie bis zur Umsetzung bietet GFT umfassende Beratungsleistungen in den Bereichen Business und IT, um den digitalen Wandel in der Versicherungsbranche voranzutreiben. Entdecken Sie, wie Insurtech, KI-gestützte Analytik und nachhaltige Praktiken Ihr Versicherungsangebot neu definieren und das Kundenerlebnis verbessern können.
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